Our usual routine when crossing a parking lot out to the car involves carrying Charlie and taking Nori by the hand. Nori could walk before Charlie, and now she is less likely to break free and run than he is. Once in a while, I here a request from down below. “Pick me up mommy.” So I assure myself that I look like a bad ass, rather than an over taxed mother of twins, and carry a child in each arm. A few days ago I honored the request, and as I juggled Nori into the bend of my elbow, she laid her head on my shoulder and said, “I love you.” Rather than reciprocating her declaration I paused in step and speech and questioned her motives. Does she love me because I just got her a cookie from the bakery even though we will eat dinner in 15 minutes? Is it because I am not strict enough and I give in to her every whim? Does she even know what she is saying? Am I teaching her what love is? Correctly?
Loving correctly. Now that’s how I know I am dangerously close to parenting pedantry. Today, I am just going to bask in the love and leave the analysis to the experts.
Love your new blog - it's great watching Nori and Chrlie grow up and reading your stories about them! I also love your insights on motherhood and parenting : )